Book Excerpt!

Check out this excerpt from How My Cat Made Me a Better Man on MSI Press’ blog. It’s all about how cats make better mentors than dogs. And it’s completely true. No matter how much fun dogs might be to play with, they really don’t offer much in the way of life lessons. Take a look!

Enjoy the company of the dog. Trust the advice of the cat.

Enjoy the company of the dog. Trust the advice of the cat.

4th of July Cat Safety Tips


Independence Day is a lot of fun for humans, but not so much for cats. My cat is always terrified on the 4th of July. She'll stake out a nice, quiet spot in the closet to shield herself (or attempt to shield herself) from all the noisy fireworks outside.

Here are some great tips to help keep your cat comfortable and safe on July 4th, courtesy of

Cat Box Office Mojo

photo credit: ScypaxPictures (unmodified)

photo credit: ScypaxPictures (unmodified)

Cats purchased 45% more movie tickets in 2016 compared to all of 2015. Some analysts attribute this to increasingly plush, scratchable theatre seats. Others say it's because of the rise in theatre rodent population. The truth though, is that cats enjoy seeing themselves represented on the big screen.

In the past three months alone, we've seen a cat cop in Zootopia, Shere Khan the tiger in The Jungle Book, and Keanu in Keanu. Feline audiences flocked to all three films. Coincidence? Hollywood studio heads don't think so, as they rush to give cats roles that would too often go to humans. Plotlines are even being rewritten to accurately portray the cultural experiences of cats. Just look at these upcoming films:

The Purge: Catmageddon: One night each year, all dog-on-cat crime becomes legal and vet services go dark. So when impetuous teenage cats Smokey and Whiskers get stranded on the rottweiler side of town, they're forced to do whatever it takes to make it till morning.

Cat-fe Society: Woody Allen's latest film is a comic exploration of Boots, a neurotic young cat with a penchant for 1930's jazz music. When he's not sharing his litter box anxiety with his psychiatrist, he's dwelling on his fear of losing all nine lives.

Finding Dory's Cat: This Finding Nemo spinoff raises many questions. Where is Dory the fish? Where is her cat? Why does a fish have a cat?

Cat Bourne: Mr. Mittens barely remembers his past, when he was raised in a shoebox and trained to be the ultimate feline assassin. Now on the run, he's taking out all the humans who wronged him, wielding his nails like his life depended on it. Watch out, bad guys. This kitten's got claws.